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h1> Google and Update Policies on Hate Speech and Harassment h2> New Guidelines Aim to Foster Safer and More Inclusive Online Communities h3> Effective Immediately, the following changes have been made to Google and's policies on hate speech and harassment:

Google and have announced updates to their policies on hate speech and harassment, effective immediately. These changes are designed to foster safer and more inclusive online communities by addressing the harmful impact of such content.

The updated policies prohibit content that:

  • Incites hatred or violence against individuals or groups based on their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other protected characteristics.
  • Harasses, bullies, or threatens individuals based on their personal attributes.
  • Promotes or glorifies violence, including acts of terrorism and mass shootings.

Google and will take action against content that violates these policies, including removing it from their platforms and potentially suspending or terminating accounts.

These updates are part of Google and's ongoing efforts to create a safe and welcoming online environment for all users. The company encourages users to report any content that they believe violates these policies.
